Just very quickly going to remind you that if you have a burning desire to win an essay contest, but you don't want to pay an entry fee, you still have time to enter the annual Funds For Writers Essay contest (no fee). Of course, you can also enter the annual Funds for Writers Essay contest (fee) as long as you have five bucks and can finish your essay by midnight on October 31st. The theme for this year is "diligence" and so may I suggest that you diligently set your butt in the chair and get writing those 750 words (or less).
And if you'd like to get in on some online hobnobbing with agents, editors and other writers, you might want to zip over to this spot and sign up for the WAE Network (Writers, Agents and Editors). I don't know much else about this network except that it's launching soon.
Somehow, I thought it had something to do with Kelly Milner Halls. But when I zipped over to her website, I didn't see anything about this new network. What I did see, and what THRILLED me to my toes, was her new book, In Search of Sasquatch.
As I happen to have a burning desire to meet Bigfoot (or a Bigfoot), I'll be rather busy reading all the stuff on her site. But you all should probably start writing that FFW essay.