Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tuesday Tip: Have You Made a Pen Pal Today?

So I adventured out to meet another blogger buddy of mine, Becky Povich, and if you've read her blog, you won't be at all surprised that we shared a lot of laughter and a lot of topics in a very short time!

Let's see...we discussed writing and blogging, and making new friends and blogging, and books in the works and blogging and mutual writing/blogging aquaintances and peach milkshakes and blogging...well, I think you get the picture.

But here's the actual picture, just in case you're still wondering.

And in all the talk of blogging, here's my favoritest thing that Becky said:

"Visiting blogs and making friends with bloggers...it's like pen pals!"

You know, I always wanted a pen pal when I was a kid. Better late than never!

(And sometimes, you're lucky enough to meet in person. Thanks, Becky, for a lovely afternoon! And did you notice that Cathy-on-a-Stick and I were twinsies? She's such a copycat.)