Thursday, June 2, 2011

How to Find Column Ideas

When friends read my column in Modern Senior Living Magazine, they will invariably say the same thing. First, it's "You're making that up." And second, they'll say, "It's a good thing you've still got your parents/husband/kids around."

And I always say the same thing. First, "I wish I could say I made that up." And second, "Yeah, those folks come in pretty handy in the column-fodder department."

Now, I know the old writing adage, "write what you know." But I think it should really be "write who you know." Trust me. If you want to come up with a column idea, week after week or month after month, you'd do well to hook up with a big, somewhat colorful family. Of course, it works out great if it's your own family.

Because family might get a tad annoyed when you write about them, but at the end of the day, they keep coming back, providing more columns.

(A special thank you to my mom who has NO idea that the May column (page 8) sort of spotlights her colorful behavior. And let's keep it that way, okay?)