After spending the last thirty minutes or so, fiddling with the free demo download, I'm beginning to see a definite value in this story-writing program. On the other hand, the demo story has to do with Native Americans and shamans and a mystery. I mean, I totally got sucked in with the story. But then there's the super-impressive software sucking me in, too...
I'd love to hear if any of my writing buds have tried it. What was your experience? Or if you try the download and decide to buy WriteItNow, let me know all about it. Because it has just occurred to me that Mother's Day is this weekend.

I'm pretty sure that Mother's Day had something to do with the Writer Mama Every-Day-in-May-Book Giveaway. I don't think it matters whether you are a mom or not; as long as you enjoy a good read, and enjoy winning a good book, then you're eligible. Still, it's a good idea to read "Da Rules."
So zip over to Christina Katz' site to find today's giveaway. Meanwhile, I have some writing to do. Something along the lines of...
Dear Junior Halls,
I know you've been racking your brains, trying to figure out what to give your dear, sweet mother. It just so happens, I've got a couple brilliant ideas...