You know how stories are like children?
You birth your ideas and mold 'em a bit, then fix them up all pretty and send them out in the world, hoping they'll succeed in some small measure.
Now, with my stories, as with the Junior Halls, I don't like to play favorites. I love them all the same. But sometimes, I like a story just a smidge more than the others. I don't like to say that too loudly, because I don't want the other stories to get their feelings hurt. Because really, I love all my stories (just in case any are listening).
Anyway, here's a little fable I wrote called "A Trade for Treasure" that's appearing today over at Fiction365. I'm not saying it's any more special than any other story. Not like it's a favorite or anything (Psssst. It is.)
Fiction365 is a website devoted to sharing a story a day, 365 days a year. It's a simple premise; a bold promise (I kinda borrowed that from the website), and I love dropping by each day to see what story's up. You can like them on Facebook, too, and then you'll see the day's story pop up when you're doing your socializing. And P.S. If you're looking for my story after April 5th, just click on the calendar and "A Trade for Treasure" will pop up.
I hope you'll like the story and the website. Maybe you'll even find a nice home for one of your (favorite) stories. (You might want to keep that "favorite" part on the down low. Because if your stories are anything like the Junior Halls, they can always tell if you're playing favorites.)