Saturday, December 11, 2010

Finding, Saturday on All I Want for Christmas

Well, this is embarrassing. I just talked about the virtue of taking care of business in a timely manner; that is, not putting off tomorrow what you can do today. And here I am, opining on Saturday what I should have opined yesterday, on Finding Something Friday.

So pretend this is Friday and I'll feel better. I'll also feel ever so much better if Santa brings me a sparkly writer's conference for Christmas!

I had a little note yesterday from the Highlights folks about their writers workshops for 2011-you can read all about the workshops here. I've always wanted to go to Chautauqua and soak in all that writerly wisdom. Maybe I'll put one of those workshops on my wish list.

Or I could give Santa Baby a choice and add Springmingle, the SCBWI Southern Breeze conference in February. Honestly, there are so many sweet conferences out there, my list is getting longer and longer.

Maybe you'd like to give Santa a few conference choices, too. You can check out Shaw Guides for a complete listing of wonderful writer's conferences. And then you can dream of a Write Christmas, too!