Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What Not To Do Wednesday on Taking Writing Chances

Oh, I know how it is, grasshopper. You see a writing opportunity that's swell, but still. You start talking to yourself. Saying things like "I'm not experienced enough," or "I'm not well-known enough," or I'm not cute enough." Um, maybe that's just me.

Anyway, it all comes down to this kind of thinking: "I'd never have a chance for something like that." So, you skip the writing opportunity until...until when, grasshopper? If you wait till you think you're experienced enough, or famous enough, or just plain good enough, then you may never break free from your writing ruts.

Don't do that, grasshopper. Take a chance and see where your writing can take you. And yeah, that's my name in the February Writer's Digest. Looking all cute as a button.