Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tooting My Horn Tuesday for The Holidays!

I know what you're thinking. I haven't even carved the dang pumpkin and she's going on about the holidays!

Here's a thought. Just skip the dang pumpkin (Whee! No mushy pulp! No whining about how your pumpkin's not as good as the neighbor's pumpkin! No trips to the hospital to stitch up your finger!). Now, let's share a moment of peace and move on...

Because before you know it, the holidays will be coming around the corner. And I know the perfect way to get that peaceful feeling and keep it throughout the month. A Cup of Comfort Book of Christmas Prayer has just been released, and it's full of prayers and stories that will bring you closer to God during the holiday.

The first story in the book deals with Advent; in fact, it's called "Advent at Hall House."So you can start your holiday with a festive, fun rollick through my own humble abode, so to speak. All the folks you know and love will be there...Junior Halls, the Beneficent Mr. Hall, and even Sally the Crazy Dog.

You can read more here, and even purchase a book, if you like. You're going to want to start reading A Cup of Comfort Book of Christmas Prayer before the frost is off the ...well, let's not get started on that again. (Happy Holidays!)