It's always crazy when I get back from a trip, and not just because Sally the crazy dog acts as if I've been gone for 17 years. To be honest, Sally acts that way when I get back from the mailbox.
No, when I get back from a four day trip, I have four days of emails to get through, four days of junk mail to throw out, and four days of laundry to wash before mildew takes over. So, I stuffed four days of dirty clothes in the washer and opened my Inbox to find tadaaa...
One verrrry interesting email from the Knight Agency. Or technically, from a person in the Knight Agency, who shared some splendiferous info about a golden opportunity with the Knight Agency's Summer Book Tour, going on this weekend in the Atlanta area.
Here's the scoop: The Knight Agency will be dashing about metro Atlanta with authors and books in tow so you can do the meet and greet. And the signing and buying. BUT, a few of the book tour locations will have an added bonus: the Agency will present a "How to Get Published Q & A." Now, if I had a book in the field of women's fiction/romance or mystery/thriller, I think I'd print out the directions to one of these locations:
Borders at Stonecrest Mall in Lithonia at 5PM on Friday, June 5th
Books for Less in Buford at 1Pm on Saturday, the 6th
Dog Ear Bookstore in Madison at 5 PM on the 6th (Sorry, no Q & A at this location!)
Borders in Athens at 2 PM, June 7th
You'll find more info at the Knight Agency blog . And you might very well find Cathy C. Hall at one of these splendiferous shebangs, asking tons of questions. But I won't stay too long. I don't think Sally the crazy dog could take it.